Learning How To Read Music On Guitar

Learning How to Read Music on Guitar


Dave Fraser

If you’re thinking of learning to play the guitar then there is something you need to decide now. Do you want to learn how to read guitar music? Or are you more interested in just strumming chords and leaving the technical stuff alone? You might not think this is something you have to concern yourself with before you start learning but it can make a difference in what and how you learn to play. Here are just a couple of reasons why you should think about this.

1.) Just learning chords and strumming techniques is a lot easier then learning the notes on each string and how to read sheet music.

2.) If you do want to learn how to read guitar music then you must be prepared to put the time in to learn the additional skills and knowledge required.


How much more work is it to Learn to read music

The first step is understanding the musical staff. You need to know the names of the lines and spaces. Any good home study guitar program should teach you this. If you want to be able to read music be sure to ensure that any guitar lesson dvd or program you purchase covers this.

The second part of learning to read music is learning the names of the strings and each note on the strings. It’s not necessary that you learn everything from the 1st fret all the way up to the bridge. Many notes are repeated, and as you begin to learn scales you’ll start to recognize that patterns. Start by learning from everything from the open note up to the 5th fret.

The simplest way to Learn to Read Guitar Music

It’s not impossible to learn how to read music on your own, how ever if you don’t have any musical background in another instrument I suggest you get yourself a quality book or instruction video to guide you through the process.

The popular learn guitar courses such as Learn and Master Guitar cover learning the notes on each string, how to read music, theory, and scales. These are all intertwined and will take you from just being a strumming guitar player to an intermediate and advanced player.

Check out our

Guitar Lesson Reviews

to help you pick a good

Learn Guitar dvd

that will teach you to read guitar music fast.

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